Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I had a great time meeting with the new UVU Public Relations club last night. It is going to be a fun group of people to work with! I just took my marketing final, and have two more to go today and I will be done for the semester!! I have been moving all week, and will be leaving for Oregon in the morning! Its is crazy busy but its been fun.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Great Weekend!!! :)

So, I had such a great weekend!! Well I guess it first started on Tuesday night when my Grandma Hensley and Firth came into town from Idaho! Then on Wednesday I had my last day of "class" for the semester. (Pretty Exciting!! ) We also celebrated Erics birthday at our house on Wednesday night, and had homemade Cafe Rio with his familly, my family, and my Grandmas. It was fun decorating the house for his party! On Thursday we went to the Disneys new OCEANS movie for Earth Day! It was a great movie and cool to see things under the water that nobody hardly has seen. On Friday I went to the Womens Expo with my Mom and Grandmas and bought a way cute belt and a ring. They both have flowers on them! We went and ate at Jasons Deli after, and it was sooo Good. Saturday we had a fun day going to the Tulip Fesitval at Thanksgiving Point! It has so many pretty gardens and flowers! It was awesome. We had fun going to Rod Works in Lehi, and then I went to two wedding receptions Saturday night. Last year on the 24th was our reception, and I can't believe it has been a year! The receptions were very pretty and I had fun seeing my friends at them! Eric and I had fun getting Ice Cream at Coldstone with Cami and her husband Nate afterward! Today (Sun. April 25) was our last day in our ward. We are done teaching the 11 year old boys in Primary. It was sad to see them go, and the ward was such a great one! We are leaving to Oregon for the summer this week!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


This is for my Mass Communication and Society Class :). I think that blogs are a great form of communication. For example, my cousin who is living in Texas can read what I write on my blog, and see pictures of me when I don't see her very often. I think blogging helps to keep people connected with one another. Especially those who wouldn't call each other on the phone. It helps people see what others are up to.
I also thing that blogging is great for people who like to keep scrapbooks/journals. I am one of those people. I have six journals from the past 4 years, except all of them are hand written. I feel that blogging makes it easier because people can type quicker than handwriting something. It is also awesome that you can add pictures to what you write, and it is also quick. I don't have pictures in my journal, and if I added them it would make it bulky and would take more time to get them printed out and glued into the journal. It's great that you can print out everything you have written over the past year.
I also think that its a great way to get your voice heard. Since you post it on the web it is visible for everyone to see. If they wanted to read something you wrote they could simply go to you page and read what you have written. (That's one good thing about journals -More confidential.) But it is great to be able to speak your opinions and I feel that it is a great way to communicate to your friends, family, and anyone who is interested in the topics you write about. I definitely think that its a great and effective for of communication :) .

Monday, April 19, 2010

Back from St George!

We got back from St. George last night, and it was so much fun! It was the nicest weather there, and we were able to lay out by the pool and go shopping! Eric and I had so much fun for our anniversary! I got some sweet new shoes from Buckle, and some Big Star jeans that I am pretty excited about ha. We got Eric some new work pants for the summer, and we couldn't find him any new Nike shoes for him for the summer :(. Well its crazy being back at school. I have a huge case study to write, and a public relations portfolio to put together! My grandmas are coming into town tomorrow night too, so I am pretty excited!!

Friday, April 16, 2010


I can't believe it. I have been married for a whole year today! Its crazy how fast time goes! I am sooo excited for this weekend and to hang out with Eric!! I have a lot to do, and still tons of homework before Wednesday but it should be a fun and relaxing weekend!! :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What a Day...

Today I have had to do two oral presentations in class. My first one was on Hidden Insight Pictures frames and how they market, who their target audience is, etc. Then I have to give one in my Mass Communication & Society class! It is about the Media and eating disorders! Pretty Interesting stuff!! Well its a busy day, but its good, and the semester is almost over its crazy!

Friday, April 9, 2010


I AM DYIN.. my allergies are kickin my bum today!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Downloading Music: Is it right or wrong?

Ok. This is for my Mass Communication and Society class. I have to write about how I feel about the music industry and if it is right or wrong when downloading music illegally. I would have to say that most people I know download the music on sites that are free, so they will have the music and not have to pay a penny for it. I think that it is unfair for the music industry to get ripped off, and not get paid for their hard work. If I was working and didn’t get paid for it, then I would be pretty mad and upset about it too! But I also think that the prices for one song need to be less than the 1.00 that Itunes charges. People don’t want to pay a ton to get songs, and I don’t want to as well. People want to listen to the songs but these songs come and go, and they don’t want something that isn’t really going to last long. I think that if the prices were cheaper then more people would be willing to pay for them. If prices stay at what they are currently at, then the music industry will continue to get ripped off. I think that it is very easy for people to get music offline illegally as well. They can find it quick, and in the next second it’s downloaded, and then they’re listening to it on their Ipod. Most people enjoy downloading their music offline because they don’t have to buy the artists whole CD. They can get the song they want and not all the others.

            It’s interesting because I am listening to my Ipod while I am writing this. Some of my music is from CD’s I had in high school, and some my sister has downloaded on the computer. I’m not the type to download music because my sisters usually do it, and they usually have the song downloaded on the computer before I go to download it. I just plug my Ipod into the same computer, and then I’ve got them all on my Ipod too. The music that she has on her Ipod was just copied onto my Ipod. So is this a form of illegal downloading? When you add the song you bought to two different Ipods? What if you bought it already? Don’t you own the song since you bought it? It is definitely interesting to think about…. 

Ok, So i am just getting the hang of this, but I have added some people to follow, and they can follow me too! But i need help witht he lovely designs everyone has on their pages, Mine is ya... NOT SO CUTE!! ha!

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Ok, so I really should be doing some homework right now... I have soo much to do before the semester is over but I can NOT believe that it is already April! I feel like I have learned a lot in school this past year though! I will be moving to Oregon this summer with my husband to do summer sales. I am excited, but sad to leave good old Utah.


This is Eric and I and a picture from our Engagements :) I love the coloring of this picture :).. I am mostly posting this picture to see if I can actually do it on my Blog! ha

Happy Easter!!!

Today is the day!! I am finally blogging! Its a great day, and it is also EASTER!! It is crazy though because there is snow on the ground! Well I am just getting started, but I am SO excited to become a blogger!