Sunday, July 25, 2010

Beach Day :)

Well Eric and I decided to go to the beach today. It was way fun! The water was freezing but the air was warm and we got some good pictures. We played ultimate frisbee for a while with the guys that came out with us. The fog started to roll in later and it was really pretty. It is about and hour drive from where we live. Eric and I have had a good weekend. We went to Olive Garden for dinner and it was so good! Then we watched a movie and relaxed last night because we both worn out from the week. I am applying for the Washington DC trip so I have been busy updating my resume and writing a letter. I am excited and hope I can go. We will see. Well this week should be good. It has got warmer here in Oregon but it has been nice. 

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Craft Stores

Well I had a great day off yesterday and decided to get groceries and go to JoAnn's. Well I decided to make a new recipe so I got the things I needed for that. Then I went to JoAnns- and lets just say I can spend way too much money in one hour at a craft store then I can make in a few hours. I got some dang cute baby blanket fabric, and am really excited to make all of them. Today has been a pretty good day today, and work went by pretty quick. :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

So much to do!!

Well this week has been busy, but it has been good. I got an email for a trip to Washington DC for the Public Relation students. They are only taking 4 guys and 4 girls, but I am going to apply. I think it would be an amazing opportunity. Well I have today off from work, and it so nice. I have to run a few errands and make dinner. It nice to have a day off!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Back in Oregon!

Well I made it back to Oregon. It was a good flight on Wednesday. I was sad to leave my family, but I was excited to see Eric. Eric picked me up at the airport and we went to dinner and relaxed. I started working back in the office yesterday. It has been good. I has warmed up here a lot and yesterday before I worked I made a cute baby blanket. I should put pictures on this blog to show you, but I am at work right now and can't upload them. I also finished a DVD imovie for Eric from his mission. It is pretty sweet. Well I am excited for tonight since it is the weekend, and I hope it is warm enough to go to the beach tomorrow!

Friday, July 9, 2010

When It Rains It Pours!

Well when I flew into Utah my Mom, Whitney, and Devonnie picked me up and we headed to Idaho. We stayed at my Grandma Hensleys and Rod came up the next day. But Nykeal stayed at my Grandmas with us and we had fun around good old Rexburg. We had fun going to the parade in Rexburg on Saturday morning then we left to Utah that afternoon. While we were in Idaho we had fun going shopping in Idaho Falls, staying at Tina's cute house, and having a BBQ at Aunt Arlenes and Kents. We also roasted those huge new marshmallows! Well we came back to Utah on Saturday and Devonnie hurried at got ready for the Stadium of Fire and met Jentry and her family there. Then I left with my parents, Whitney, and Nykeal and we sat outside of the stadium. We got close to the stadium and were able to hear Carrie Underwood sing. We also saw her for a bit when we walked right past the stadium. I saw her in concert about a year and a half ago and she is amazing live. I also got some good cotton candy!! I love it. Well it has been nice being back in Utah for a while. While I have been here Nykeal and I went shopping and got some cute clothes! I was excited because I haven't been shopping much in Oregon. I might have spent too much money but everything was totally worth getting! Well the reason I posted this blog as: When It Rains It Pours is because one thing after another has happened the last few days. We went boating on Tuesday and it was way fun- but after Nykeal and I got off the tube my Dad untied it, put it in the boat and then we drove around a bit and we headed back to the dock. When we got there a lady came over to us and asked us for a favor, She told us that her husband got his rope tied up in his propeller and that he needed someone to tow him back. So we went and picked him up and took him back. He was very thankful for us. We pulled out the boat, cleaned it all off, then got into the truck. I had been cleaning out the top of the boat before we got into the truck and when I got in my Dad asked me where I put the tube. I didn't remember seeing it so I got back into the boat and noticed it wasn't in there! My Dad was like great, so we asked a few people if they had seen it that were loading their boats- Well off course nobody had seen it, so we decided we might as well go back out and look for it. We launched the boat, then headed back out. My Dad didn't think we would find it because he took all the air out of it after we used it. The worst part was that there was a really nice, expensive rope attached to it. Well we looked around for a while- and we didn't see it! Someone either found it, took it, or it's still at Utah Lake under the water. It was a bummer- but we left and thought well at least nobody got hurt or anything. Well while I was here we also watched some funny home videos of us when we were little. It was hilarious watching Whitney and I dance and be in gymnastics when we were young. Devonnie was such a cute little girl too. Well on Wednesday I had an eye appointment and they had to dilate my eyes, it was blurry when you would look at things close, but i got some of those sweet cheap sun glasses to wear on the way back home. Well we saw Whitneys work in the Riverwoods Mall today too. I ran to Roberts crafts before my appointment too and got some stuff for my cricut machine, I am excited to use it when I get home! Well the night before I got a phone call from Garrett (my brother) and he was wondering if I was okay. He sounded a little nervous, and I told him I was OK and that I was in Utah and asked him what was wrong. He told me that there was a fire in the apartment building that I live in in Oregon! I was nervous and hoping my apartment hadn't been burt down! Well I called Jessica and she had talked to the firemen and they said that mine might have had some damage but it might be okay. Well I lived in the apartment next door when we first moved there, then I moved to a better apartment about a month ago- Well Jessica said that the apartment I used to be in was probably burned on the inside! I couldn't believe it- I was so glad that I moved out of there. She asked the firemen what happened and how the fire got started and they weren't for sure- but they thought it might have been an electrical problem. I called Eric and told him about it, and when he got home for the night he said that our apartment was okay. It was the two next door that got the damage. I was so glad nothing happened and that we weren't there. Well then Nykeal, Whitney, and I went up to Salt Lake and wanted to go shopping at the Gateway. Well we got around the point of the mountain and Whitneys car started blowing warm air. I thought her AC might have gone out because that happened to mine a couple weeks before we left for the summer. Well we pulled over and got some Cafe Rio for lunch and then we started driving up to Salt Lake and once we got to the exit Whitneys car was driving so slow! So I told her to pull over. We called my Dad and he didn't answer, so Whitney realized we were parked in front of a fire hydrant so we decided to pull over to the Gateway parking. We started shopping until my Dad called us back. We explained what happened to him, he said that it had over heated and we needed to add water to it. Well we had to find a few gallons of water and we asked some guys at the Food Court, then we took them out to her car. Well to make a long story short- we had to keep pulling over and adding cool water. One nice guy came by to try and help and he gave us some drinks and we were so glad because it was so dang hot. Well we finally made it to Jiffy Lube, and they couldn't even fix the problem there. So my Dad told us he was going to come up with the trailer and pick us up. So we drove back down to the Gateway and shopped for about a half hour till he got there. Well we loaded her car and came back home. We got some cute clothes while we shopped at the Gateway but it was one long day! Well then today My Mom and I went to the eye doctor in Salt Lake and I had to get checked again to see if I could get lasick. They didn't think my cornea was thick enough to get it, but the Dr. said it was. So I got scheduled to get it for November! I am way excited because my eye sight is so bad. Well while we were there and my mom was getting her eyes checked my Dad called and told me that Devonnie had bumped into someone with her truck. I felt bad for her because I hate things that happen like that. Well she was okay so we were glad that her or Nykeal didn't get hurt. So after loosing the tube, having a fire at the apartments, Whitneys car having problems, and Devonnies wreck it has been crazy. But you just have to count your blessing and be glad that nobody was hurt or injured. It has been really fun being home for a while. I miss Eric like crazy but I love Utah and everyone here! The good definitely out ways the bad when you're with the ones you love :)